Thursday, February 21, 2008

Kosovo comes Independent

Unless you've been in a blackhole for the past few days, you've likely heard that Kosovo gained its independence. The US, and about half of Europe have recognized Kosovo as independent, much to the dismay of the Serbs. The primary issues at stake here are that the Serbs feel that Kosovo is part of Serbia and that no one can take it away from them. NATO disagrees. The other issue is that this set potentially bad precedent. If Kosovo can get independence from Serbia then why can't the Basques get independence? Why can't South Ossetia gain independence from Georgia? And shit, what about the Palestinians? No doubt they'll stop launching missiles into Israel for a moment to whine about how they are still being oppressed.

Russia has had a few select things to say about all of this (don't they always?). Asside from letting us all know that THE MOTHERLAND is powerful, they would like us to know that they view this as a breach of international law in the highest possible manner. As if this Kosovo incident is a bigger deal than genocide. But really, Russia is just posturing. They're trying to flex their muscles and remind everyone about THE MOTHERLAND. We all know that the one thing that pisses Russia off the most is one of their former republics tells them to fuck off. Like Poland did, Estonia did, Georgia did, and the Ukraine is thinking about doing. They apparently did not get the memo about leaving the Motherland. Someone probably forgot to put the proper headers on those darned TPS reports again. Don't they know that they are causing an international incident?

Well, there are two regions in Georgia (no, the other Georgia) that want to leave. Russia would love nothing more than to swallow those regions up and get some revenge on Georgia. Allowing Kosovo to be independent doesn't really hurt Russia. What it does do is give Russia an excuse to start pushing for those regions to leave Georgia and come back to THE MOTHERLAND. Russia is just being Russia. If it can flex its muscles and make some headlines, it will.

So, the question remains. Was giving Kosovo its independence wise? Afterall, Kosovo is now the poorest country in Europe. But they are free. I guess thats something.

****In a bit of updated news
Serbians in Belgrade torched the US embassy, along with a few other embassies.

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