Friday, February 8, 2008

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

The Real ID nightmare.

I came across this website, and it is definitely the best site I have seen in regards to what is wrong with the Real ID plan that DHS is trying to enact.

To sum it up, the Department of Homeland Security wants to implement a national ID for all citizens. This would replace state-issued drivers licences. So, whats the big deal you ask? Well, there is this little thing called RFID. Basically, this ID will allow for the federal government to track you across the country. As long as you're within range of an RFID scanner then you're "On the Grid." State-issued ID's have never had this kind of technology. DHS says that the Real ID program will help to protect against terrorism. Ahh, that terrorism warning again. Heard that before. Whats todays threat level again? But seriously, lets give DHS the benefit of the doubt. Will the Real ID program really help prevent terrorism? No, it really won't. Atleast not in the sense that it justifies allowing the government this kind of unprecedented access into our daily lives. And we thought the NSA surveillance program was bad. But more on that below.

Apart from helping to increase the power of the security-industrial complex and boosting ChoicePoint's stock, it does not help the government to identify people with malicious intent. Sure, it will help to ID a terrorist who is already on a watch list, but its not going to stop someone who hasn't previously exhibited terrorist-like behavior from performing martyrdom at the local movie theatre on a friday night. But don't let my small post be the only thing you read about this. The folks at have alot more information and sources.

So, whats going right now with Real ID?

Well, there has thankfully been a good deal of resistance from the states. God bless Federalism. The governor of Montana has apparently been reading the e-mails from his survivalist constituents because he has pledged that Montana will never implement such an program. Other state, including Arizona, have yet to completely sign on to the program. the program has still yet to approved by the state legislature.

Check out what is going on in your state:

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1 comment:

Loo said...

I love their reason "terrorism". thats just something else. How does this even help prevent terrorism? Are they going to control our actions with a chip? maybe they should beta test that on unibombers